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Bibliography of Works Cited and Researched for Dissertation Paper

Derry, Charles. Dark dreams 2.0: a psychological history of the modern
horror film from the 1950s to the 21st century. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2009.




Detweiler, Craig. Into the dark: seeing the sacred in the top films of the
21st century. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2008.





Erens, Patricia. Issues in feminist film criticism. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1990.





Evans, Ruth. Simone de Beauvoir's The second sex: new interdisciplinary
essays. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998.





Earls, Steve, The Golden Labyrinth‬: ‪The Unique Films of Guillermo Del Toro‬. Noir Pub, 2009





Hessel, Stephen and Michèle Huppert, Fear itself reasoning the
unreasonable. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010.





Humm, Maggie. Feminism and film. Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1997.





Hyde, Maggie, and Michael McGuinness. Introducing Jung. Cambridge:
Icon Books, 1992.

Johnston, Robert K.. Reframing theology and film: new focus for an
emerging discipline. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2007.


Kuhn, Annette, with Susannah Radstone, The Women's companion to
international film. London: Virago, 1990.



Kulish, Nancy, and Deanna Holtzman. A story of her own: the female
Oedipus complex reexamined and renamed. Lanham, Md.: Jason Aronson,




Lury, Karen. The child in film tears, fears and fairy tales. London: I.B.
Tauris, 2010.






McCabe, Janet. Feminist film studies: writing the woman into cinema.
London: Wallflower, 2004.



Nagib, LuÃÅcia. Theorizing world cinema. London: I.B. Tauris, 2012.







Penley, Constance. Feminism and film theory. New York: Routledge ;,



Perlich, John R., and David Whitt. Millennial mythmaking: essays on the
power of science fiction and fantasy literature, films and games. Jefferson,
N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2010. John R.





Rose, James. Studying The devil's backbone (El espinazo del diablo). 2009.
Reprint, Leighton Buzzard [England: Auteur, 2010.




Sieglohr, Ulrike. Heroines without heroes: reconstructing female and
national identities in European cinema, 1945-51. London: Cassell, 2000.





Thornham, Sue. Feminist film theory a reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press, 1999.



Virilio, Paul. War and cinema: the logistics of perception. Translated by
Patrick Camiller London: Verso,  1989.




Wehr, Demaris S., Jung & feminism: liberating archetypes. Routledge,




Young, Tory. Studying English literature: a practical guide. Cambridge
[u.a.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2008.

Mike Perschon (accessed 16/11/12)
, author
unknown, (accessed 28/01/13).


author unknown, (accessed 28/01/13).




"Fig Tree - Medicinal Herb Info." Medicinal Herb Info Home., 1996-2010 Lynn DeVries, (accessed 28/01/13).






"Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - Synopsis." IMDb - Movies, TV and Celebrities., author unknown,
(accessed 16/11/12)





"The Devil's Backbone (2001) - Synopsis." IMDb - Movies, TV and
Celebrities., author
unknown (accessed 16/11/12)




Carl Jung Resources,, author unknown

(accessed 27/01/13)








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